Enabling businesses to build amazing things on the web.

We are a team of passionate designers and developers creating the future of web services.

About us

Our story

Every successful venture is born from a blend of wonder, curiosity, and relentless pursuit. Our journey mirrors this sentiment. Originating from the aspirations of a young entrepreneur with a business acumen and a deep appreciation for technology, the quest was clear: to harness the vast potential of the web. While the allure of the digital realm is undeniable, navigating its intricacies can be daunting. Recognizing this challenge, our mission became evident - to bridge the gap and make the digital world more accessible to businesses like yours.

The path to creating a robust digital product is filled with trials, especially when venturing into uncharted territories. There will be instances where initial prototypes may not meet expectations, and anticipated launches might pivot into learning opportunities. However, these moments are not setbacks but stepping stones. They challenge our assumptions, pushing us to evolve, adapt, and emerge more resilient and informed. It's this iterative process that ensures we deliver solutions tailored to your unique needs, fostering a partnership built on trust and mutual growth.

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As we delved deeper into our journey, we connected with the international development community. Their unparalleled expertise, unwavering commitment, and diverse insights were transformative. Our vision expanded beyond just crafting products; it evolved into forging a global alliance—an ensemble of thinkers united by a shared zeal and curiosity.

With this newfound clarity, our mission was refined: to empower small and medium businesses by unlocking the vast potential of the internet. Our aim is to streamline complexities, unveil the mysteries of the digital realm, and ensure its accessibility to businesses like yours.

Our odyssey is a testament to transcending limitations, continually ignited by a sense of wonder. This intrinsic drive is the catalyst for our innovation, the spark for our exploration, and the motivation to chart unexplored territories. Echoing Elon Musk's sentiment, "When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor." - Our aspiration is to master the digital domain, continuously adapt, and above all, preserve our innate sense of wonder.

Developing a global mindset

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. Our team is globally distributed and highly skilled. We are a remote-first company with a global mindset.

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Simple is growing. Grow with us.

Join our team of passionate designers and developers creating the future of web services.

Current open positions



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Follow Up

We'll have a follow up converstaion to discuss next steps and joining the team.



We'll review contract details and get you set up in our system.

Sounds like we are building something cool?